Hey guys - I've looked through a plethora of forums online as well as asked many professional java developers but I was unable to find adequate assistance in creating a standalone runnable jar file of a financial application that I am currently finishing up. The application uses two external programs; an ImageMagick file conversion program called convert and an OCR program called gocr045. I developed this application via eclipse and have attempted numerous times to package the contents with eclipse's automated runnable jar file creation wizard. All works well on my machine and my app functions as it is supposed to, but for some reason whenever the app is run on a different computer it compiles and the GUI displays but the two external functions do not work. I have had these functions installed on the other machines but so far the only workaround that I have found to this issue is to manually create runnable jars on the machines via eclipse. This will unfortunately not work because the app is to be commercialized upon completion and I can't go around installing eclipse then installing the app for every user that buys it. I suspect it is some trivial issue and Java experts such as yourselves will hopefully be able to resolve it for me in no time. Does it possibly have something to do with signing the jar file?
Thanks and I hope to hear back from you soon,
Mark Kogan KoganApps (www.koganapps.com)