I am currently learning django, i want to be a freelancer. From what i have gathered that there is not much work in python/django on the internet and i have to get my hands on php. I want advice on what should i do? Please help me get started. Thanks in advance.
I am speaking from my personal experience here. Take it for what it is worth: one dude's personal experience.
All of the web development freelancing work I have done has been on the standard LAMP stack:
L inux + A pache + M ySQL + P ain... I mean P HP.
I've worked for two web startups. Both use PHP for just about everthing. I know PHP has a bit of a reputation as being ugly, badly-maintained and inconsistent but it is so commonly used that if you want to make yourself really appetizing to an employer, I would really recommend getting setting up your own local XAMP stack and get hacking.
Depending your skill level, here's a couple of nice resourses for php, mysql and jquery/javascript
All levels: http://www.php.net/ , http://www.mysql.com/
Basic: http://www.w3schools.com/ (php, mysql, javascript and more) Intermediate to
- Advanced: http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/oriented-programming-1, http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/oriented-programming-2 (Bouth javascript)
- Advanced: PHP 5 Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide
Try a couple of the resources and after that you can pretty much google around for more. After a while i would recomend using a php framework:
I have experiance with zend, codeigniter and yii. They are all nice frameforks but im currently in love with the yii-framework
- Happy coding!