



So I'm using the taskkill.exe which comes with Vista and I want it to do something especially complicated..

There are multiple instances of java.exe running, and I want it to find the one that is untitled.. so this is my command:

taskkill /IM java.exe /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq "

I also tried:

taskkill /IM java.exe /FI "WINDOWTITLE ne AutoClicker"

It doesn't work anyways... So is there anyway... to target an untitled process???


You must first find the PID of the untitled process by parsing the results of TASKLIST, and then invoke TASKKILL with the found PID.

Try the following code

@echo off
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('TASKLIST /V') do (
  set s=%%a
  set p=!s:~27,5!
  set t=!s:~152,3!
  if '!t!'=='N/A' ECHO TASKKILL /PID !p! /T

and after extra-careful testing, remove the ECHO