I have a String in this form:
String buf = "[[[name11,name12]][[name21,name22]][[name31,name32]]]";
How can I retrieve all the names?
When i retreive data from database i recive it in this form.
Looking for Java Solution.
I have a String in this form:
String buf = "[[[name11,name12]][[name21,name22]][[name31,name32]]]";
How can I retrieve all the names?
When i retreive data from database i recive it in this form.
Looking for Java Solution.
This trick should do it:
String csv = buf.replace("[[[","").replace("]]]","").replace("]][[",",");
String[] names = csv.split(",");
It removes the leading and trailing brackets and replaces the inner brackets with a comma. Now you can split the input around ,
and have an array with the names only.
Do you always have pairs of names? Is it possible to have [[name2,]]?
If the names always come in pairs then Andreas_D response is a simple straight forward answer. If one of the names may be missing then you need to add a couple of replace() calls in front to look for these and put dummy values in. Specifically "[," with "[dummyFirst," and ",]" with ",dummyLast]". You would then have to process these dummy values according to whatever rules are appropriate for your context.