




I want to use wikipedia dump for my project. The below information is required for my project.

  1. For an wikipedia entry, I want to know which other language contain the page?
  2. I want an downloadable data in csv or other common format.

Is there a way to get this data?

Thanks Bala

+1  A: 

The Wikimedia foundation provides XML dumps of all of its projects, including the English language Wikipedia.

Parsing an English-language wiki article for inter-language links is fairly easy: the syntax for such links are [[language_code:Name of other language Wikipedia article]], where language_code is usually a two or three letter code (such as tlh for Klingon), based on an ISO standard except for a few exceptions, such as simple for Simple English.

Andrew Grimm
+1  A: 

Wikimedia provides dumps of Wikipedia in different formats at
