A submitted form on my site returns an array of request data that is accessible with
$data = $this->getRequest();
This happens in the controller which gathers the data and then passes this array to my model for placing/updating into the database.
Here is the problem. What if I want to manipulate one of the values in that array? Previously I would extract each value, assigning them to a new array, so I could work on the one I needed. Like so:
$data = $this->getRequest();
$foo['site_id'] = $data->getParam('site_id');
$foo['story'] = htmlentities($data->getParam('story'));
and then I would pass the $foo array to the model for placing/updating into the database.
All I am doing is manipulating that one value (the 'story'
param) so it seems like a waste to extract each one and reassign it just so I can do this. Additionally it is less flexible as I have to explicitly access each value by name. It's nicer to just pass the whole request to the model and then go through getting rid of anything not needed for the database.
How would you do this?