I have been battling an ANR happening in one of my services for a while now. It is very hard to reproduce and the UI seems to have full functionality right before it happens 100% of the time there is never any noticeable lag or freezing. My service has a TimerTask and a few AsyncTask's that it runs and that is it.
The stack traces I get when you report it with the Android Market in 2.2 are hard to read, there doesn't seem to be a reference to any of my code directly but only from classes in the SDK. Can anyone take a look at the stacktrace and see if you can tell what is going on.
The print out is so large I opted to post it to pastebin, I hope that isn't against the rules. http://pastebin.com/KHUD0UHW
Here is the Logcat log as well http://pastebin.com/V5xSey36