I am trying to initiate a bluetooth device search in my java app. The agent.startInquiry
seems to start but an exception is thrown from the catch block, and then I get an alert from deviceDiscovered()
saying device discovered1
. Is there is an exception, why is that deviceDiscovered is getting called? Can anyone please let me know if I am missing something? The code is here :
public void MyDeviceDiscovery()
try {
local = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice();
}catch(BluetoothStateException bse)
Dialog.alert("unknown exception");
agent = local.getDiscoveryAgent();
devicesfound = new Vector();
try {
if(!agent.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, this))
Dialog.alert("Start Enquiru error");
catch(BluetoothStateException bse)
//Dialog.alert("unknown exception2");
//throw new Error(bse.getMessage());
Dialog.inform("Exception startDeviceInquiry");