




Hi, I'm working with jstree and I would like to know how to hide/show nodes if possible. I gave the list items a "cat" id to select them with jquery but this doesn't work.

Here's the code.


<div class="resultsContent">

    <div class="demo" id="demo_1">


    {% for ipc in ipcs %}

        {% ifequal ipc.back_list 1 %}   


        {% endifequal %}    

        {% ifequal ipc.kind "c" %}  

        <li id="{{ ipc.symbol }} cat" rel="node-type">
                {% else %}
                    <li id="{{ ipc.symbol }} cat" rel="node-type">
            {% endifequal %}
    {% endfor %}






        plugins : [ "themes", "html_data", "checkbox"  ], 

        themes : { theme: "default", dots : false, icons : false },         

        core : { "initially_open" : [ "{{ top_symbol }}" ] }, 


$("#cat").slice(5, 10).hide(); //Hide some nodes 
+2  A: 

It seems at your code that you are generating li elements with an ID composed by a IPC Symbol value plus a black space, plus the word "cat".

<li id="{{ ipc.symbol }} cat" rel="node-type">

But, your selector is trying to get an element whose ID is exactly "cat"

$("#cat").slice(5, 10).hide(); //Hide some nodes 

Maybe you could use a different jQuery selector. By the example, Attribute Contains Selector:

$("li[id*='cat']").slice(5, 10).hide(); //Hide nodes with the string 'cat'

Or the Attribute Contains Word Selector, more appropriate in this case (because you are looking for a whole word):

$("li[id~='cat']").slice(5, 10).hide(); //Hide nodes containing the word 'cat'
Tomas Narros
Thanks Tomás, I tried that but it seems putting the "cat" in the id conflicts with jstree. I'll have to put select the li elements in other way.
In that case, try with the Child Selector (http://api.jquery.com/child-selector/): select all the LI items under "demo_1" DIV: $('#demo_1 > li')
Tomas Narros
It worked!, gracias Tomás!.