
How to add click event to jstree's(jQuery plugin) asynchronous list?

Hello, I want to add click event to jstree's asynchronous list items. The ideal result is: when i click the items in the jstree, the content of the item will be transfered to a sql query as a parameter, and then, the query is executed and display a result set in the same page or in another page. While I don't know how to implement it...

JQuery 1.3.2 with jsTree and draggables in IE

Question...I am using jsTree with JQuery 1.3.2, and have run into an issue when viewing my page in IE8. I have added a jsTree control to my page, and have also used the Draggable behavior from jQueryUI 1.7.2 in an attempt to allow the user to drag a tree entry (leaf node) to another control. I'm not using the draggable feature of jsTre...

Stumped on JS Tree... how to get the ID of currently selected <LI> ??

I wish JStree had more examples of peforming AJAX actions when deleting a node, etc. Like how does it transfer the ID of selected node and pass that as a parameter? Spent a few hours and can't figure this one out. <li id="10" class="open"><a style="" class="clicked" href="#"><ins>&nbsp;</ins>fff</a> </li> <li id="1" class="open"><a hre...

Store JsTree order back into database

Hi I am using JsTree and got some of it working with my database. Such as deleting a node, renaming a node, etc. I am having problems with saving the ROOT folders order back to the database. When I move the root folders, it doesnt save order. When I move the sub folders around, it saves order fine. Anyone know what I am doing wrong? I ...

Tree to generate for jsTree

function createJsonTree($array, $currentParent, $currLevel = 0, $prevLevel = -1) { foreach ($array as $categoryId => $category) { if ($currentParent == $category['parent']) { if ($currLevel > $prevLevel) $output .= ' , "children":[ '; if ($currLevel == $prevLevel) $output .= " }, "; $output .= '{ "data" :'.'"'.$c...

How to preselect nodes using jsTree jQuery plug-in

I am using the jsTree jQuery plug-in with its "Checkbox" plug-in and using an async http request to lazy-load each level of the tree. All works great, except that I cannot get the tree to pre-select certain nodes after the first level. I am using the "selected" attribute to provide an array of ID's to preselect. ID's in the top level of ...

jsTree: async loading

Hello everyone, I am trying to use this jQuery plugin (jsTree) in one of my project. All the others I've found haven't been recently updated. Anyway, I am using this plugin to load a folder structure, but I would like to do this operation async. The examples I've found on their site (called async) are ridiculous. I've tried to check on...

jsTree: Prevent before and after TYPE, only use inside

I am using jsTree which is very nice. When dragging and dropping, I don't really care for the before and after types, I only want to use inside. Meaning, I am only concerned about that parent that a child is dropped into, rather than where the order is with other elements INSIDE the parent. So, I wanted to build my callback, so it alw...

Example of tree.drop_mode with jQuery sortable anywhere

Hello Everyone, I have a working tree of galleries next to a sortable list of image thumbnails. I've been vainly trying to set up the galleries tree so that users can add images to the galleries by dropping the sortable thumbnails on to the galleries tree. I've been told this requires drop_mode. All efforts to get it to work ha...

jsTree async with preloaded data.

I am trying to make a tree view be async. When the page is rendered, there is default tree items displayed. jsTree tries to reload the root anyway. I want the page to render (with jsTree init'ed) with default items rendered from browser, not the ajax call. Then we the user tries to go deeper, thats when I want to do do the ajax calls. ...

Cannot create a jsTree inside of a jQueryUI tab

I am not able to create a jsTree inside of a jQuery UI tab. If I create the jsTree outside of the tab, it works fine. Does anybody know if jsTree is incompatible with jQuery UI tab? My page is below. If I replace the following line var treeContainer = jQuery("#tabTree"); with: var treeContainer = jQuery("#pageTree"); Then the tree...

How do I get the id of the selected node in jsTree?

How can I get the id of the selected node in a jsTree? function createNewNode() { alert('test'); var tree = $.tree.reference("#basic_html"); selectedNodeId = xxxxxxxxx; //insert instruction to get id here tree.create({ data : "New Node Name" }, selectedNodeId); } ...

jsTree Selecte most nested node

Greetings, I just started to use jsTree and I have a question for you guys. How can I select only the most nested node - the node which doesn't have any children. additionally, when this node is selected, I would like to submit my form which contains the jsTree. How can I then access selected node? ...

jsTree: icon changes on mouseover in chrome, it shouldn't

If anyone has used jsTree in chrome and had a similar issue please let me know. It doesn't break in IE (first time for everything) nor in FF. Basically, when I mouse over an icon it changes, but not with any regularity, some times I mouse out and stays the same (incorrect) and when I mouse over it again it changes correctly. I'm using ...

jstree select node

Greetings, I am using jsTree to generatate my hierarchical data. JsTree is generated as follows: $(function() { $("#industries").tree({ data: { type: "json", opts: { url: "/Admin/GetIndustries/" } } }); }); it works find and the jsonresult is something like: [{"...

jsTree causes that links on whole page are broken

Greetings, I have the following problem. In my asp.net mvc page (which is a partial view) I create an instance of jsTree as follows: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#industries").tree({ callback: { onselect: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { $("#SelectedIndustryROWG...

Need help replicating directory structure with ColdFusion and jsTree

I am using this new jQuery plugin called jsTree www.jstree.com and using the HTML datasource. I am also using ColdFusion 7 with cfdirectory and filtering out files, so just dirs. I need to recreate the directory structure in the image, well any dir structure I give it actually. I am having a heck of a time with the logic. variables.image...

can jsTree use radio check

i know there is a plugin for jsTree named jquery.tree.checkbox.js. that make the tree node multi checkable. i just wondered if there is a plugin to raido check the tree node? or how can i modify jquery.tree.checkbox.js to achieve that? ...

jstree will not fire onchange event

i have been really stuck on this. this is the code: js: var treeoptions={"data":{"type":"json","opts":{"url":"\/surveytags\/treejson"}}}; $('#treecontainer').tree(treeoptions); $("#treecontainer").tree({ callback : { ondblclk : function (node, tree) { alert(node.id); }, o...

PHP: Convert <ul> <li> Tree HTML tag to an array

Hi, I'm using jsTree and I need to convert this HTML tag tree code <ul> <li> to a PHP array. The jsTree HTML tag will be passed to PHP to be parsed and store in a structured tree PHP array(see below for the PHP array structure). Additional question: Is my desired PHP array structure good or you can suggest a good structure? I'm open fo...