
how to get a list of checked ids from jstree with checkbox plugin?

how to get a list of checked ids from jstree with checkbox plugin? ...

JSTree, is it possible to add a handle?

I'm very interested in using JSTree for a Sortable list that allows for nesting. The problem is, in my list items I want things like checkboxes, etc... which isn't possible because the entire list is draggable with JSTREE. Is there a way to add a handler to JSTree so only when the handler is clicked the list is draggable? That would al...

How to create a new ID for the new added node?

Hi, I can normally get the ID of the default tree nodes but my problem is onCreate then jsTree will add a new node but it doesn't have an ID. My question is how can I add an ID to the newly created tree node? What I'm thinking to do is adding the ID HTML attribute to the newly created tree node but how? I need to get the ID of all of ...

jsTree and SVG Editor conflict in active selected items?

Hi, I'm using jsTree and SVG-Edit in the same file but there is a conflict in the active selected item. For example I clicked a tree item then I cannot draw in the svgcanvas div anymore. Maybe because of you click the item in jsTree then it's always selected and the svgcanvad div will not be active anymore? Any help, tips or tutorials ...

jsTree - disable drag option

Hello, how can I disable draggable option in jsTree? I want to disable moving nodes. How can I achieve this? ...

How to select every node that holds the same ID

Hello, I have a Jstree that holds a lot of nodes, some of them have the same ID. I was wondering, how do I make it so that if someone selects one of the nodes, it would select every node with the same id. I tried working with the onselect: function (node) { but I'm not sure what exactly to do, plus I'm not sure how to manuall...

Renaming node from jsTree inside a mvc2 form.

I've the following code: <% using (Html.BeginForm("Update", "SkillLevel", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "TheForm" })) { %> <div id="demo3" class="demo"> <ul> <li id="shtml_1"> <a href="#">Root node 1</a> <ul> <li id="shtml_2"> <a href="...

jsTree: How to get previously selected tree node ID?

Hi, I'm using jsTree and I have 2 textboxes: <input type="text" id="previous_tree_id" value="" /><hr /> <input type="text" id="current_tree_id" value="" /> In the jsTree callback I have: $("#demo_1").tree({ callback : { onselect : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) { var selected_tree_id = $(NODE).attr('id'); ...

.jstree() or .tree(), and how to get it to work

Silly question. A lot of examples using jstree that I find on the web use the syntax $('#someTreeId').tree(), whereas the demo on the jstree website keeps referring to the syntax $('#someTreeId').jstree(). When I use .jstree() I get a browser error saying this is not a function. But when I use .tree I barely get any farther: it only ge...

jstree dynamic JSON data from django

I'm trying to set up jsTree to dynamically accept JSON data from django. This is the test data i have django returning to jstree: result=[{ "data" : "A node", "children" : [ { "data" : "Only child", "state" : "closed" } ], "state" : "open" },"Ajax node"] response=HttpResponse(content=result,mimetype="application/json") this is the js...

JsTree conflicts with jquery.validate

Hi, I have a Jstree populating a list of items. When I click a node a partial is loaded with ajax. Everything works fine until I include the jquery.validate script to validate my forms. <script src="/scripts/jquery.validate.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/scripts/MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation.js" type="text/javascrip...

[jsTree] Move all the children of a node to another node

Hello. Suppose I have a tree with nodes and sub-nodes. I want to move all the children of a node to another node ("under" the destination node, among the already existing children). Also, it would be nice if this didn't generate a move_node event. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance. ...

JsTree themes available?

Any inbuilt jstree themes available ? ...

How do I create a new jsTree HTML node with the CRRM plugin correctly?

Here's my situation: using PHP and MySQL as my backend, jQuery and jsTree for my front end. My tree is on the left, and clicking on a node will trigger certain information to be loaded in a box floated to the right of the tree. They can add/edit/remove nodes in this tree with this behavior (no page reload, all Ajax). Currently, I can ...

how can i show tree nodes in lower level?

using jstree 1.0 ,how can I exhibit the child nodes in lower level than the parent? when I click on the parent, I expect to see children in a place after parent,that I can diagnose the parent and its children, but they are all shown in the same level. which property should I set??? i have this problem by using both data and ajax in jso...

How to set id after creating new jstree node?

I'm using jsTree 1.0. And have this code : $(document).ready(function () { $("#folders_tree").jstree({ "core": { "initially_open": ["root"] }, "html_data": { "data": '<?= $folders; ?>' }, "themes": { "theme": "default", "dots": true, "icons": true, ...

How can I disable moving in jsTree, but not disabling drag'n'drop plugin?

How to disable moving in jsTree 1.0, but not disabling dnd plugin? Thanks. ...

jstree icon problem & how to 'click to expand'

I am using jsTree for creating a documentation list index.I use JSON to create my tree. I have a problem and a question. My problm is, the same icon (default icon set in types) appears for both folders and files. When i change the default icon, all tree icons set to that icon. If i do not use types plug-in, default folder icon is used f...

Using jsTree XML module

I'm confused by jsTree's XML module. I'm using 1.0rc2. Specifically, jsTree converts XML to an HTML list-based tree using XSLT. I couldn't get my XML to render so checked out the source code; looks like the XSL is hard-coded into jsTree's code and one particular line means it will only work if you're root's child elements are called ...

Drag from JQGrid to jsTree v.0.9.9a

Hi, I'm looking to drag a row from the JQGrid i've created and fire a drop event on a node in the jsTree (v.0.9.9a). Is there anyway to do this - using v.0.9.9a of the jsTree only. Regards. ...