
nested checkboxes with JStree

Hello. I am trying to replicate the behaviour of the nested tree list of checkboxes in the following link using the JStree Jquery module - http://www.blueshoes.org/_bsJavascript/components/tree/examples/example3.html JStree - www dot jstree dot com I've swiped the callback behaviour below from another post on the subject, but haven't...

Creating values for HTML post form from JStree checkbox list

I am just starting out with JQuery and Javascript, and adapting a nested set of checkbox inputs to make use of jstree checkbox behaviours. After realising that each item had to be an anchor tag to be recognised by the jstree code, I am now unsure how to generate values from the items for a POST form submission. Previously they were check...

jsTree checkbox ajax request, checked

Hi, Is there a way to update selected checkbox with ajax request in jsTree? I cant find any ideas how to do this, how to call an event or calback function on checkbox click or unclick. Also I cant find any ideas how to update checkbox tree with selected values on page load. Thanks for your answers :) ...

JsTree returns "invalid JSON" error..

I'm trying to make a Jstree, the code for it is the following: $(function () { $("#groups") .jstree({ "plugins" : [ "themes", "json_data", "ui", "crrm", "cookies", "dnd", "search", "types", "contextmenu" ], "json_data" : { "ajax" : { "url" : base_url+"/json", "data" : f...

Retrieving the deselected node with jstree

How to get the deselected node in jstree. To me it seems that the domtree.bind("deselect_node.jstree", function (event, data) { }); gives access only to the selected node, so does the select_node event. Why? ...

[jsTree] How to create, rename, delete and move nodes without context menu

I needed a dynamic context menu for my jstree so created my own but I still need the create, rename, delete and move functions. I had them working in the built in context menu, but can't seem to figure out how to do them manually. Anyone know how? ...

How can I attach custom behaviour to a double click in jsTree?

I'm using the jsTree jQuery plugin and want to execute code when the user double clicks a node. I can't seem to get it to work. I found some documentation on a ondblclk event but it doesn't fire. browser.jstree( { plugins: ["themes", "json_data", "ui", "cookies"], callback: ...

ASP.net/jQuery: JSTree, selecting Node, can't seem to get ID

Currently, I'm using an AJAX Handler to populate the JSTree: $(function () { $("#jstree").jstree({ "json_data": { "ajax": { "url": "AJAXHandler.aspx?action=GetMenu" } }, "plugins": ["themes", "json_data", "dnd"] }) .bin...

How can I refresh the contents of a jsTree?

I have loaded a jsTree with an AJAX call that returns JSON data. How can I refresh the tree so that it reloads its contents? ...

jQuery/JSTree/ASP.net: How to get Newly Created Node's ID from Server

I currently have a JSTree all set up to do the creation and renaming of a new node: .bind("create_node.jstree", function (NODE, REF_NODE) { $.ajax({ async: false, cache: false, type: 'POST', url: "ApplicationAJAXHandler.aspx?action=CreateMenuItem&...

jsTree show/hide nodes

Hi, I'm working with jstree and I would like to know how to hide/show nodes if possible. I gave the list items a "cat" id to select them with jquery but this doesn't work. Here's the code. html: <div class="resultsContent"> <div class="demo" id="demo_1"> <ul> {% for ipc in ipcs %} {% ifequal ipc.back_list 1 %}...

Jquery JStree plugin form text field conflict

I have a set of custom PHP forms within a set of Drupal pages (not generated through Drupal forms API - I won't explain why I'm not just using Drupal for these forms here - a tad complicated) with text entry fields won't allow keyboard input - but will allow copy and paste. They populate correctly with default values, but just won't let ...

jstree once loaded removes other ui (jqueryui.js) settings on page

hi all, i have an issue with jsTree and the issue is as follows: I have draggable divs with resizable ability on my page basically you can sort them and resize them Then i added a jsTree to the form which retrieves values using ajax and populates the tree using xml_data plugin The issue is once the tree is loaded then the divs are not...

JsTree with dnd plugin, always copy

Hi, I have 2 trees using jsTree and dnd plugin. I want that each drag operation to be a copy instead of a move. There is a "copy_modifier" which works Ok when pressing a modifier key, but I want copy to be the default behavior without the modifier. Any ideas? Thanks, Adrian ...

Annotation for Json Model in ASP.Net MVC

Hi, I'm working on an ASP.Net MVC2 application and use the jsTree-Komponent for jQuery to render a tree with checkboxes. To select specific nodes in a convenient way my JSON has to offer a "class" attribute. Here's an example how jsTree wants to consume the JSON result: [{"data":"Root1","attr":{"id":"10","class" : "jstree-checked"} .....

How can I load up jstree with inline Json?

Here's the jstree code: $("#tree").jstree({ "json_data": { "data": treedata, "progressive_render": true }, "plugins": ["themes", "json_data"] }); where treedata contains some Json. Unfortunately, nothing's rendering. The examples I've found are for ajax-loading the Json...

jsTree cookie error

Hello, I am new to jsTree and am having problems with a very simple example. My html: <ul id='categories'> <li><a href"/Browse/1">Category 1</a> <ul> <li><a href="/Browse/3">Subcategory 1.1</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/Browse/2">Category 2</a> <ul> <li><a href="/Browse/...

jQuery: JSTree and jQuery UI Tabs: jsTree causes other trees in tabs to be hidden, CSS problem?

I've scoured the 'Net for a solution, but I can't seem to find one. Here is my current implementation: <div id="NavSlider"> <div id="NavSliderMenu"> <div id="tabs" class="ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"> <ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-hea...

JsTree: Icons not showing when using types plugin and how to dynamically populate based on open_node?

I am attempting to create a treeview of Document libraries from SharePoint (wss3). the icons i specified in the types plugin are not rendering? I am probably missing something so simple. How can I inject more nodes into the tree when i expand a folder or document library? TreeView"> $(document).ready(function () { var thisSite = ...

JsTree: Load custom metadata from an external xml source

I have an existing data structure which is stored as an xml doc. It is essentially a sitemap. Every node has some associated metadata (e.g., keywords and description associated with the node). I would like to be able to use the xml_data plugin to be able to load directly from that source. From a quick look at both the documentation a...