



I am attempting to create a treeview of Document libraries from SharePoint (wss3).

  1. the icons i specified in the types plugin are not rendering? I am probably missing something so simple.
  2. How can I inject more nodes into the tree when i expand a folder or document library?


    $(document).ready(function () {

    var thisSite = $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentSite();
        operation: "GetListCollection",
        webURL: thisSite,
        async: false,
        completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
            var list = new Array();
            var $json = $.xmlToJSON(xData.responseXML);
            $.each($json.Body[0].GetListCollectionResponse[0].GetListCollectionResult[0].Lists[0].List, function (index, value) {
                if (value.ServerTemplate == 101) {
                    var listid = value.ID.replace("{", "");
                    listid = listid.replace("}", "");
                    var treeID = value.Title.replace(/ /g, "");
                    var item = {
                        "data": value.Title,
                        "state": "closed",
                        "attr": { "id": listid, "rel": "list" }                         
                    var s = $('#TreeViewTemplate').parseTemplate(item);
                    $('#' + treeID + "TreeView").jstree({
                        types: {
                            valid_children: ["list"],
                            max_depth: -2,
                            max_children: -2,
                            types: {
                                list: {
                                    icon: {
                                        image: "/_layouts/images/itdl.gif"
                                    valid_children: ["folder", "file"],
                                    max_depth: -2,
                                    max_children: -2,
                                    select_node: function (e) {
                                        return false;
                                folder: {
                                    icon: {
                                        image: "/_layouts/images/folder.png"
                                    valid_children: ["folder", "file"],
                                    max_depth: -2,
                                    max_children: -2,
                                    open_node: function () { $('#RightArea').append("folder</br>"); return false; }
                                file: {
                                    icon: {
                                        image: "/_layouts/images/page_white.png"
                                    valid_children: ["none"],
                                    max_depth: 0,
                                    max_children: 0,
                                    open_node: function () { $('#RightArea').append("file</br>"); return false; }
                        json_data: {
                            data: [
                        plugins: ["themes", "json_data", "types", "ui"]
            //                var dt = { "Lists": $json.Body[0].GetListCollectionResponse[0].GetListCollectionResult[0].Lists[0].List };                               
        operation: "GetAllSubWebCollection",
        webURL: thisSite,
        async: false,
        completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
            var $json = $.xmlToJSON(xData.responseXML);
            var dt = { "Sites": $json.Body[0].GetAllSubWebCollectionResponse[0].GetAllSubWebCollectionResult[0].Webs[0].Web };
            var s = $('#SiteTemplate').parseTemplate(dt);
        operation: "GetListCollection",
        webURL: thisSite,
        async: false,
        completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
            var $json = $.xmlToJSON(xData.responseXML);
            var dt = { "Lists": $json.Body[0].GetListCollectionResponse[0].GetListCollectionResult[0].Lists[0].List };
            var s = $('#ListTemplate').parseTemplate(dt);
    //        $('#docHTML .treeview').treeview({
    //            collapsed: true,
    //            speed: 1,
    //            toggle: function () {
    //                if (this.role == "List") {
    //                    GetItemsInList(, this.title,, this.role, "");
    //                }
    //                else if (this.role == "Folder") {
    //                    var splt = this.path.split("#");
    //                    var splt1 = splt[1].split("/");
    //                    GetItemsInList(splt1[0], this.title, this.treeviewid, this.role, splt[1]);
    //                }
    //            }
    //        });
        clearSytle: true,
        fillSpace: true
