In essence I want to pick the best match of a prefix from the "Rate" table based on the TelephoneNumber field in the "Call" table. Given the example data below, '0123456789' would best match the prefix '012' whilst '0100000000' would best match the prefix '01'.
I've included some DML with some more examples of correct matches in the SQL comments.
There will be circa 70,000 rows in the rate table and the call table will have around 20 million rows. But there will be a restriction on the Select from the Call table based on a dateTime column so actually the query will only need to run over 0.5 million call rows.
The prefix in the Rate table can be up to 16 characters long.
I have no idea how to approach this in SQL, I'm currently thinking of writing a C# SQLCLR function to do it. Has anyone done anything similar? I'd appreciate any advice you have.
Example Data
Call table:
Id TelephoneNumber
1 0123456789
2 0100000000
3 0200000000
4 0780000000
5 0784000000
6 0987654321
Rate table:
Prefix Scale
01 1.1
012 1.2
02 2
078 3
0784 3.1
create table Rate
Prefix nvarchar(16) not null,
Scale float not null
create table [Call]
Id bigint not null,
TelephoneNumber nvarchar(16) not null
insert into Rate (Prefix, Scale) values ('', 1)
insert into Rate (Prefix, Scale) values ('01', 1.1)
insert into Rate (Prefix, Scale) values ('012', 1.2)
insert into Rate (Prefix, Scale) values ('02', 2)
insert into Rate (Prefix, Scale) values ('078', 3)
insert into Rate (Prefix, Scale) values ('0784', 3.1)
insert into [Call] (Id, TelephoneNumber) values (1, '0123456789') --match 1.2
insert into [Call] (Id, TelephoneNumber) values (2, '0100000000') --match 1.1
insert into [Call] (Id, TelephoneNumber) values (3, '0200000000') --match 2
insert into [Call] (Id, TelephoneNumber) values (4, '0780000000') --match 3
insert into [Call] (Id, TelephoneNumber) values (5, '0784000000') --match 3.1
insert into [Call] (Id, TelephoneNumber) values (6, '0987654321') --match 1
Note: The last one '0987654321' matches the blank string because there are no better matches.