While filling out secure forms on bank websites, I have always wondered how they know their application is completely secure. Sure you know you are on SSL, your account "should" be secure, and hopefully the security question, account throttle, timeouts etc. should keep your account safe. But what is the best way to test this? And what determines how "safe" your application is? What if there was a bug in your code somewhere, then it would not matter how many safeguards you have in place.
I recently created a login for a website which will log the user out automatically after 15 mins, will lock their account after 3 failed attempts, contains a security question, and runs on SSL. But I need to know what determines the security of a program.
Thanks for any help!
The main question is. "What is the best way to test for PHP security". Is there steps to take to ensure this. Surely there must be.