A friend told me he needed my services to code the web and DB system (it wouldn't be a basic system at all) for his business. However, his business partner is quite dishonest and rude. When we sit together to make up a design document, he often refers to programming as a matter of nothing - something that can be bought for a price. Last time, he told me that there are plenty of programmers, anyone can do it.
Next, he tried to explain ME that his friend is creating eshops for very little money. During our sittings, it's obvious that he has absolutely no idea about web programming and he has very little clue about what he really wants and talks about.
How do you handle with this type of clients? I am quite hot tempered. There is a price I can chew over this "little" problem however I am not sure if they can pay for it.
edit: Thx for your response, I'll try the triple request for money thing ;)