I need to strip out a few invalid characters from a string and wrote the following code part of a StringUtil library:
public static String removeBlockedCharacters(String data) {
if (data==null) {
return data;
return data.replaceAll("(?i)[<|>|\u003C|\u003E]", "");
I have a test file illegalCharacter.txt with one line in it:
hello \u003c here < and > there
I run the following unit test:
public void testBlockedCharactersRemoval() throws IOException{
checkEquals(StringUtil.removeBlockedCharacters("a < b > c\u003e\u003E\u003c\u003C"), "a b c");
log.info("Procesing from string directly: " + StringUtil.removeBlockedCharacters("hello \u003c here < and > there"));
log.info("Procesing from file to string: " + StringUtil.removeBlockedCharacters(FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("src/test/resources/illegalCharacters.txt"))));
I get:
INFO - 2010-09-14 13:37:36,111 - TestStringUtil.testBlockedCharactersRemoval(36) | Procesing from string directly: hello here and there
INFO - 2010-09-14 13:37:36,126 - TestStringUtil.testBlockedCharactersRemoval(37) | Procesing from file to string: hello \u003c here and there
I am VERY confused: as you can see, the code properly strips out the '<', '>', and '\u003c' if I pass a string containing these values but it fails to strip out '\u003c' if I read from a file containing the same string.
My questions, so that I stop loosing hair over it, are:
- Why do I get this behavior?
- How can I change my code to properly strip \u003c in all occasions?