



I've written an implementation of Bresenham's algorithm in Python (following the Wikipedia article), and it works correctly except for lines at certain angles. All lines that should extend between 45 and 90 degrees, or between 135 and 270 degrees, will instead extend along the line y = x.

Here's my code:

def bresenham(origin, dest):
    # debug code
    print origin
    print dest
    # end debug code
    x0 = origin[0]; y0 = origin[1]
    x1 = dest[0]; y1 = dest[1]
    steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0)
    backward = x0 > x1

    if steep:
        x0, y0 = y0, x0
        x1, y1 = y1, x1
    if backward:
        x0, x1 = x1, x0
        y0, y1 = y1, y0

    dx = x1 - x0
    dy = abs(y1 - y0)
    error = dx / 2
    y = y0

    if y0 < y1: ystep = 1 
    else: ystep = -1

    result = []
    #if x0 > x1: xstep = -1
    #else: xstep = 1
    # debug code
    print "x0 = %d" % (x0)
    print "x1 = %d" % (x1)
    print "y0 = %d" % (y0)
    print "y1 = %d" % (y1)
    for x in range(x0, x1):
        if steep: result.append((y,x))
        else: result.append((x,y))
        error -= dy
        if error < 0:
            y += ystep
            error += dx 
    # ensure the line extends from the starting point to the destination
    # and not vice-versa
    if backward: result.reverse()
    print result
    return result

Anyone see what I'm screwing up?


I added some printing code to the function.

(0,0) is at the top left of the display.

My test framework is pretty simple. It's a standalone function, so I just pass two points to it:

origin = (416, 384)
dest = (440, 347)
bresenham(origin, dest)
(416, 384)
(440, 347)
x0 = 384
x1 = 347
y0 = 416
y1 = 440

+2  A: 

I don't know why you're using an xstep variable. You don't really need one with the algorithm you're using.

@Gabe: xstep is needed because without it, if x0 > x1, then the for loop will terminate immediately, as the default step for a Python for loop is 1.

The reason you don't need an xstep variable is because, if it's going backwards, the coordinates were already switched (in the if backward: conditional at the beginning) so that the end-point is now the start-point and vice-versa, such that we now are still going left-to-right.

You just need this:

result = []

for x in range(x0, x1):
    if steep: result.append((y, x))
    else: result.append((x, y))
    error -= dy
    if error < 0:
        y += ystep
        error += dx

return result

If you want the list of coordinates in order from start to end-point, then you can do the check at the end:

if backward: return result.reverse()
else: return result

EDIT: The problem is that the backward boolean is being evaluated before it needs to be. If the steep conditional executes, then the values change, but by then your backward conditional is different. To fix this, instead of using a backward boolean, make it an explicit expression:

if x0 > x1:
    # swapping here

Then again, since you end up using the boolean later on, you could just define it before the conditional:

backward = x0 > x1

if backward:
Jorge Israel Peña
Originally I had it like you were suggesting, but when I tried to make a line in the angles mentioned in my question, the function would return nothing, since the for loop would terminate immediately. `xstep` was a fix for that. Perhaps that's indicative of something else wrong with my implementation?
The loop shouldn't fail because remember, we swapped the coordinates such that it's still going from left-to-right (ex. x0, x1 = x1, x0). Perhaps you should print out x0 and x1 before the loop to verify.
Jorge Israel Peña
I did, and x0 was indeed greater than x1.
@Max: your comment here suggests that the range is not set correctly. Have you printed the x0, x1, y0, y1 values you end up with? The whole point of the algorithm is that it works with increasing x values. If x0 > x1 when you do the range, then you'd end up with an empty range - and a quick loop.
Jonathan Leffler
Yeah. Think about it. The conditional at the top checks to see if x0 > x1, and IF IT IS, then it swaps them. So in no way should the loop's range consider that x0 > x1, do you see the disconnect here? Perhaps your swapping isn't working. Do what Jonathan said and print out the values to verify.
Jorge Israel Peña
I realized you guys were right after I thought about it a bit. Something must be more wrong than I thought. Here's some printouts from the algorithm. origin: (416, 384) dest = (440, 347) x0 = 384, x1 = d47, y0 = 416, y1 = 440. Does that shed any light on the subject?
Turns out it was a pretty simple problem that I overlooked. It took me some scratch paper and a pencil to run it through my head to see the problem xD
Jorge Israel Peña
Yes, it was fairly obvious once I looked at the test data.
+1 for beating me by 62 seconds!
+1  A: 

The problem is that you are computing x0 > x1 before you swap x and y.

Instead of:

backward = x0 > x1 

if steep: 
    x0, y0 = y0, x0 
    x1, y1 = y1, x1 
if backward: 
    x0, x1 = x1, x0 
    y0, y1 = y1, y0 

You should have:

if steep: 
    x0, y0 = y0, x0 
    x1, y1 = y1, x1 

backward = x0 > x1 
if backward: 
    x0, x1 = x1, x0 
    y0, y1 = y1, y0 
Ah! That did it. Thanks.
Guess I don't deserve even a measly upvote for all the work I did, side from the fact I posted the solution before him ;_; Props to Gabe though for spotting it too :)
Jorge Israel Peña
@Blaenk. Sorry, you're right. Got it a whole minute earlier. Fixed, and upvoted to boot. Thanks for your help. :)