I need a complex js obfuscator so that the js file won't be easy to reverse with a public tool like http://jsbeautifier.org/
I need a complex js obfuscator so that the js file won't be easy to reverse with a public tool like http://jsbeautifier.org/
You can shrink variable names when you use Dean Edward's packer. While this can be reversed, it does leave you with pretty unreadable code as the variables aren't easily identifiable.
Use Packer algo http://dean.edwards.name/packer/
do check the options 'Base62 encode' and 'shrink variables'. This will obfuscate the code to a certain limit but still, as @musicfreak said, anyone who is determined can still make out the code.
You may try jscrambler.com. It's the only one I know that could help you. Check what it does.
Google Closure Compiler.
I use it on advanced. Read the docs about exporting public methods etc. htt p://code.google.com/closure/compiler/docs/api-tutorial3.html
It rocks.