I have following model:
Report, ReportSection and ReportSectionProperty.
Report has zero to many ReportSections, ReportSection has zero to many ReportSectionPropert-ies. This would qualifie as three levels deep object graph.
I create new Report, then add some sections to it, then add some properties to it. When I try to persist Report, I get following error:
Caused by: org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc.ReportingSQLException: ERROR: insert or update on table "report_section" violates foreign key constraint "fk_report_section_report"
Detail: Key (id_node)=(186) is not present in table "report". {prepstmnt 20859482 INSERT INTO core.report_section (index_section, name, report_section_type, id_node) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [params=?, ?, ?, ?]} [code=0, state=23503]
So, OpenJPA is persisting object graph, but somehow it started from the middle. id_node 186 is indeed the next id of the Report table but, obviously that object is not saved when ReportSection is being saved.
If I put em.persist(report) then em.flush() between each operation of adding sections or properties, everything works. Is this the way to go?
If I don't add any properties to sections, persisting Report works, even without em.flush().
I use OpenJPA 2.0.3 as JPA provider.
Maybe some relevant parts of the code:
public class Report{
@OneToMany(targetEntity = ReportSection.class, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="report")
private List reportSections;
public void addReportSection(ReportSection section){
synchronized (this) {
if (getReportSections() == null)
reportSections = new ArrayList();
public class ReportSection{ @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="id_node") private Report report; @OneToMany(targetEntity=ReportSectionProperty.class, cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="reportSection") private List reportSectionProperties; public void setReport(Report report) { this.report = report; } public void addReportSectionProperty(ReportSectionProperty reportSectionProperty){ synchronized (this) { if (getReportSectionProperties() == null) reportSectionProperties = new ArrayList(); reportSectionProperties.add(reportSectionProperty); reportSectionProperty.setReportSection(this); } } }
public class ReportSectionProperty{ @ManyToOne(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @JoinColumn(name="id_report_section") private ReportSection reportSection; public void setReportSection(ReportSection reportSection) { this.reportSection = reportSection; } }