



From what I understand, Pylons is more of a 'bare bones' framework (where you can choose your ORM and template engine), and Django is a little more rich in nature.

What exactly are the features/frameworky elements that Django has that Pylons doesn't?

(other than its own ORM, and its auto-admin page generation)

+1  A: 

The main difference is Django's scaffolding and auto-admin interface. Both of these allow you to quickly start managing data in the website without having to create lots of views etc.

+1  A: 

The ability to ask a question about it on Stackoverflow. Django has over 10,000 tagged questions, Pylon has just under 400.

Chase Seibert
Maybe because Django is harder to use? :-) Statistics on *unanswered* questions relative to total *might* help make (or refute) your point.
@Chase - Ah, or the need to ask a question about it on stackoverflow.