I have a Java/Swing desktop application (Java 6u16 on Windows XP) which occasionally appears to the users to hang. I say appears to because in reality what is happening is that the application is showing a modal dialog but this dialog is not being rendered. If the user uses Alt-Tab to switch away from the application and then subsequently returns to it, the dialog gets rendered correctly. Additionally, if a remote user connects to the session via NetOp (a VNC/Remote Desktop workalike) this also causes the GUI to be redrawn correctly.
The app runs via JavaWebstart. Since I've heard of rendering issues being caused by DirectDraw, I added the following to the JNLP
<property name="sun.java2d.noddraw" value="true"/>
but the problem still occurs (If I have understood correctly, this will switch off DirectDraw and Direct3d completely: see http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/2d/flags.html#noddraw)
I'm out of ideas on this one, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have an abstract dialog class which extends JDialog and which all other dialogs extend. It contains the following method:
public void showDialog() {
Whenever I want to display a dialog, I call showDialog(). The initKeyBindings method sets up an ActionMap while the second line is application specific (Application is a singleton, I'm disabling the JPOS scanner listener while the dialog is displaying).
There is a corresponding hideDialog() method as follows:
public void hideDialog() {
Thanks, Phil
Edit... Sorry about this, one more edit: all of the dialogs have a parent. The AbstractDialog class will default to the main application frame if no other parent is specified.
FYI For anyone following this, I've added the following to my code:
if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
} else {
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
This ensures that the dialog is only opened from the EDT.