



Can anyone suggest a debugger for XQuery? I would prefer one that is either online or works within Eclipse, and I prefer something that uses Saxon. So far, all I've found is XQDT (which has little documentation and does not work with Saxon) and a few stand-alone commercial apps.

All I want to do is understand why my XQuery isn't selecting the elements I think it should. (My requirement for Saxon is because I've had bad experiences with these processors not meeting the same standard.)

Any suggestions? How are others testing their queries?

+2  A: 

oXygen offers a XQuery debugger that can be used both with SaxonEE and with MarkLogic XML database:

Dimitre Novatchev
+1 for oXygen. I especially like the linked output results and the profiler.
+3  A: 


Currently XQDT supports only execution (no debugging) with the Saxon XQuery processor.

The only debuggers build so far in XQDT are for:

You can have our latest version from:

Gabriel, XQDT Committer

Gabriel Petrovay
Thanks for the info!