



What i want to do is to create an web page for every user when they signup on my page. Example: and this will be their webpage.

I know that this can be done easy with mkdir() and other related functions, but the problem is that my root folder is not chmod 777 and i don want to chmod 777 this root folder because of security reason.

What is the best way to do this thing when user registers on my web page

+2  A: 

Most likely you don't need to create these directories in real.
Just make it virtual.
Pass a username using query string, like this:

And personalize this page according to particular username. After that you can do some rewrite magic and make a page address like this but all pages will remain virtual

Col. Shrapnel
The problem is that i want this to be as i pointed up there, is more professional and much clean
Dear @AXheladini before making it look professional, you have to make it just work. An only then do some decorations, bells and whistles.
Col. Shrapnel
+5  A: 

Use mod_rewrite to make a request to /username actually be ?user=username. You can then get the appropriate user's data and display it in a template.

Jacob Relkin
how to configure the RewriteRule for this yrl:
+5  A: 

You don't make physical directories for each user, you use URL rewriting. Take a look at

Tatu Ulmanen