



I have a site on MOSS2007 with a single zone (Default). I have set up forms based authentication with our active directory store using the LDAP membership and role providers and configured central administration with the providers so that the people picker can properly search folks.

To test access, I first made my account (provider:username) a site administrator and could connect to the site just fine. I then removed my account from the site administrator and added myself to Policy for Web Application using the same provider:username convention, granting full control. My credentials correctly authenticate but I receive the "Error: Access Denied" message.

Does anybody know why this might be? Since I only have the one zone, I don't think that I should have any problems with the policy not being active for my site. Clearly I'm connecting to the user store since I can access the site when I put myself in as a site administrator.

Is it possible that I need to do some sort of user import or something in the shared services provider? I'm teaching myself SP through this project and have yet to completely wrap my mind around the full system lifecycle.