



Hi, I have existing application which uses Sql server 2005 as a backend. It contains huge records, I need to join tables which contain 50K-70K. Client m/c is lower hardware.

So, can I improve its performance by using MS Access as a backend? I also need to search operation on access file. So, which one is better for performance.

Querying access is better than querying sql in lower h/w?


SQL Server will always give you better performance because the query is executed on the server. Access on the back-end won't help because your client application will need to pull all the data from the tables, and then perform the join locally.

Andrew Cooper
For a high end system, this is certainly a safe assumption. I have certainly seen some setups where the overhead of SQL Server alone is sufficiently taxing on a system that using something like MS Access or XML with something like the Jet Database drivers would be more effective. Low-end systems seems to be the focus of the question at hand.
I don't think this answer is correct for a single machine where the Access client and the SQL Server are running on the same workstation. SQL Server will often (though not always) be faster if it's on a dedicated server that the workstation connects to if you're comparing that to storing the Access data tables on a file server. In other words, the network penalizes the Jet/ACE back end much more than the SQL Server. Both on the same machine, I'd expect the SQL Server to be slower (or no faster) in many cases.
+3  A: 

Because SQL Server does run as a separate process, caches results, uses ram and processing power when not being queried, etc., IF the other computer has very little RAM or a very slow processor (or perhaps even more importantly a single-core processor), I could see a situation where SQL Server is actually SLOWER than MS Access use.

Without information about your hardware setup, approximately what percentage of your application relies on querying the database, etc., I'm not sure this question can be easily answered.

MS SQL Server 2005 Express requires at least 512 MB RAM (see, so if your lower-end hardware doesn't have at least 512MB, I would certainly choose MS Access over SQL Server.

I should also add that you may want to consider SQLite (see which should be significantly less overhead than MS SQL Server. I'm not certain how it would stack up against MS Access use over something like Jet. My gut instinct is that it would perform better with less overhead.

I have checked performance with both Sql and Access with various no of records. Generally ms access runs faster than sql first time. Then after second run for same search criteria sql runs faster and access takes same time every time I run query.
Agree. When no network and no server and single user then Access (JET) is often significantly faster than sql server. SQL server forces you to do everything though a huge extra layer that involves transactions and a socket based (network) connection. Jet just literally scraps data right off the disk with no huge framework between that reading of data from the disk. SQL server or Access (JET) does not change the speed of file reading from the disk drive. So, JET has significant less overhead then sql server and my testing shows JET is often 50% faster when no network is involved.
Albert D. Kallal
Exactly, I have same environment. I just need to create access database as per sql database /insert record and read them. I had created index on it and I am getting more than 50% faster than SQL server. Without indexing it does not give such a performance. And thank you for your ideas.

70,000 records is really not that big for SQL server (or access for that matter). I would echo what has already been said and say that all things being equal SQL server will out perform Access.

I would go back to your query and look at the execution plan to see why it is so slow, maybe missing indexes, out of date statistics or a whole host of other reasons could explain your current performance problems.

SQL server also gives you the option of using materialised views to help with performance. The trade of is slower insert/update/delete performance but if you read more than you write it might be worth it.

Kevin Ross

I think Albert Kallal's comment is right, and the fact is that if you have a single-user app running on a single workstation (Access client with SQL Server running on the same workstation as a client), it will quite often be slower than if the setup on that workstation were Access client to Jet/ACE back end on the same machine. SQL Server adds a lot of overhead that delivers no benefit when there is no network in between the client and the SQL Server.

The performance equation flips when there's a network involved, even for a single-user app. If the Access client runs on a workstation, and the SQL Server on a server on the other end of a network connection (even a fast one), it will likely be faster than if the data is stored in a Jet/ACE file on a file server.

But it's not a given, in my opinion. It depends entirely on the engineering of the application and the excellence of the schema.
