
C# / F# Performance comparison

Is there any C#/F# performance comparison available on web to show proper usage of new F# language? ...

Is anyone using Microsoft Software Licensing and Protection Services (SLP) in production?

Microsoft has come out with this fairly new technology that I am considering using for a .NET 3.5 application. I am curious, is anyone using this technology already? I am worried that the use of the secure virtual machine will negatively affect performance. Also, the way Microsoft advertises the product, it seems as though the licensi...

What's faster? PHP vs ASP vs JSP vs CGI etc

I'm looking for some metrics. I'm currently tech-editing a book in which the author boldly states that "ASP executes faster than CGI and Perl". It's not backed up by any sources or anything that would lead me to believe that was a fact, so I'm wondering, does anyone know the answer to this question? I've done some google searches, but ha...

What programming language implementation benchmarks are there?

I remember from my old BASIC programming days that for extra performance, you could use a BASIC compiler (instead of the runtime interpreter), but for ultimate performance, the answer was assembly code. Today, when performance is crucial, I guess assembly language is still the ultimate optimisation answer. Going for a less extreme solut...

Which one of these code samples has better performance?

In replies to one of my questions, I received a number of answers saying that style 2 may perform better than style 1. I don't understand how, since I believe they should emit essentially the same machine instructions (if written in C++). Could you please explain why style 2 might perform better? I'll rewrite the two styles here for eas...

Can Java be faster C++ in any situation?

Is it possible for a Java application to be faster than a program written in C++? Also, what is release mode in compilation ? ...

Reflection runtime performance - Java vs CLR

A related post here pretty much established reflection in Java as a performance hog. Does that apply to the CLR as well? (C#, VB.NET, etc). EDIT: How does the CLR compare to Java when it comes to reflection? Was that ever benchmarked? ...

Java Performance Testing

I want to do some timing tests on a Java application. This is what I am currently doing: long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); doSomething(); long finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("That took: "+(finishTime-startTime)+ " ms"); Is there anything "wrong" with performance testing like this? What is a...

Performance of Java matrix math libraries?

We are computing something whose runtime is bound by matrix operations. (Some details below if interested.) This experience prompted the following question: Do folk have experience with the performance of Java libraries for matrix math (e.g., multiply, inverse, etc.)? For example: JAMA: COLT: ...

Complex processing in Stored procedures Vs .net application

We are building a new application in .net 3.5 with SQL server database. The database is fairly large having around 60 tables with loads on data. The .net application have functionality to bring data into this database from data entry and from third party systems. After all the data is available in database the system have to do lots of ...

When is assembler faster than C?

One of the stated reasons for knowing assembler is that, on occasion, it can be employed to write code that will be more performant than writing that code in a higher-level language, C in particular. However, I've also heard it stated many times that although that's not entirely false, the cases where assembler can actually be used to g...

Languages faster than C++

It is said that Blitz++ provides near-Fortran performance. Does Fortran actually tend to be faster than regular C++ for equivalent tasks? What about other HL languages of exceptional runtime performance? I've heard of a few languages suprassing C++ for certain tasks... Objective Caml, Java, D... I guess GC can make much code faster, b...

Web frameworks performance comparison

I'm looking for real life benchmarks comparing web frameworks based on dynamic languages (Python, Ruby, Groovy and Lua). Even better if they're compared up against classic solutions based on PHP, Java, ASP.NET maybe even Perl. I'm particularly interested in: Django Ruby on Rails Grails Zend Framework Struts2 EDIT: As for Sean's answe...

Any performance difference between int.Parse() and Convert.Toint() ?

Is there any significant advantages for converting a string to an integer value between int.Parse() and Convert.ToInt32() ? string stringInt = "01234"; int iParse = int.Parse(stringInt); int iConvert = Convert.ToInt32(stringInt); I found a question asking about casting vs Convert but I think this is different, right? ...

Java Performance Degradation on removing locks

I am testing my java application for any performance bottlenecks. The application uses concurrent.jar for locking purposes. I have a high computation call which calls lock and unlock functions for its operations. On removing the lock-unlock mechanism from the code, I have seen the performance degradation by multiple folds contrary to my...

Fast Cross-Platform C/C++ Image Processing Libraries

What are some cross platform and high performance image libraries for image processing (resizing and finding the color/hue histograms). No gui needed. This is for C/C++. So far I have looked in to OpenCV GIL as part of Boost DevIL CImg My questions How's the performance of the ones I have listed above What are some other librari...

ms sql server; varchar(MAX) vs TEXT

I just read that VARCHAR(MAX) (which can store, what, close to 2GB of char data?) is the recommended replacement for TEXT columns in 2005 and newer. My question is, if I want to search inside this column for any string ( ... WHERE COL1 LIKE '%search string%' ...) is it quicker to search a VARCHAR(MAX) using the LIKE clause, or use the TE...

How does Spark View Engine's performance compare to ASP.NET?

I'm interested in using Spark for an open source pet project of mine that runs with the mvc framework. I wonder if anyone has real experience with it and knows how it performs compared to the normal view engine? I know that runs mvc and Spark. ...

Which is faster to find an item in a hashtable or in a sorted list?

Which is faster to find an item in a hashtable or in a sorted list? ...

is "ab" or "httperf" better for checking performance of a website?

so far i know of "ab" and "httperf", both can check the performance of a website. is one better than the other? ...