I am trying to determine the number of files that would be copied from the source folder to the destination and then assign this value to the progressbar.max.But using the code below I get Runtime error 5, Invalid procedure call or argument at the marked position.Please Guide
Private Sub cmdCopy_Click()
Dim sFileName As String 'Source File
Dim sDirName As String 'Source Directory
Dim dDirName As String 'Destination Directory
Dim fiFileCount As Integer 'Number of Files to be copied
Dim fbFileMatch As Boolean
If prgFCount.Visible = True Then prgFCount.Visible = False
dDirName = "D:\Destination\"
sDirName = "C:\Source\"
sFileName = Dir(sDirName)
' Disable this button so the user cannot
' start another copy.
cmdCopy.Enabled = False
cmdCancel.Enabled = True
fiFileCount = 0
Do While Len(sFileName) > 0
fbFileMatch = False
If Len(Dir$(dDirName & sFileName)) > 0 Then
fbFileMatch = True
End If
If fbFileMatch = False Then
fiFileCount = fiFileCount + 1
End If
sFileName = Dir '## Error at this Point ##
If fiFileCount = 0 Then
cmdCopy.Enabled = True
cmdCancel.Enabled = False
Exit Sub
End If
prgFCount.Min = 0
prgFCount.Max = fiFileCount
prgFCount.Visible = True
End Sub