I am trying to use link_to_remote with :with parameter so I can pass my parameters but I am using jrails and it seems it doesn't work. I use it another spot with jrails and prototype and it worked fine. Here is my code in jrails where I don't use prototype:
<%= link_to_remote render(:partial => "back_button_text"),
{:url => { :controller=> "content", :action => "ajax_sec_cat_display", :with => "'location=' + $("#history").html()" },
:loading => "addSpinner()",
:complete => "removeSpinner()"},
:class => "menu_item back"
And here is the jrails and prototype that is working:
<%= link_to_remote( "Google Map Look Up",
:url =>{ :action => :google_map},
:with => "'location=' + $('vcompany_locations_attributes_0_address_1').value")