



I have a web site with lots of pages of photography. In order to allow visitors to download groups of photos without having to save each one individually, I want to create a read-only FTP user that will be publicly available.

Via the control panel for the host, I can create "regular" FTP user accounts, but they have write access, which is unacceptable.

Since there are several domains and subdomains hosted on the same server I don't want to use anonymous FTP -- the read-only FTP account should be restricted to a specific directory/sub-directories.

If possible, I would also like to know how to exclude specific directories from the read-only FTP access I grant to this new user.

I've looked all over on the server to find where user account info is stored to no avail. Specifically I looked in httpd.conf, and found LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/, but I don't know how to go about working with it (or if it's even relevant).