




I have just installed IE9 beta and on a specific site I created (HTML5) IE9 jumps to compatibility mode unless I manually tell it not to. I have tried removing several parts of the website but no change. Including removing all CSS includes. On some other website of me it goes just fine.

Also, don't set it manually because then IE9 remembers the user setting and you can't turn it back to automatic (or at least I haven't found how, not even via private browsing and emptying cache)

Anyway. The site where it jumps to compatibility mode:
One where it renders correct: (I can't post more than 1 hyperlink)

Both use the same doctype and all. Those sites have a lot in common(apart from appearance) using the same basic template(encoding, meta tags, doctype and the same javascript)

It would be great if someone has an answer for me! An HTML5 website that renders in IE7-mode is pretty... lame.

Thanks in advance,

Rene Geuze


I'm fairly sure that you must add this tag to your head to make IE 9 render in IE 9 mode:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

This tag is present in all of Microsoft's HTML 5 demos, and I don't think it would be needed if IE 9 rendered in IE 9 mode by default.

Delan Azabani
It works in the other website. So that shouldn't be it. Also, that meta-tag is evil since you'd manually have to update it every time there is a new IE version.
Rene Geuze
Sorry I can't fix your problem. However, I've edited my answer to use `IE=edge` instead, which invokes the use of the latest engine available, always.
Delan Azabani
Your assumption is incorrect. The demos specify X-UA-Compatible to prevent IE from showing the Compatibility View button since if the user pushes it, the site content would not work correctly.
EricLaw -MSFT-

Looks fine to me:

alt text

You're sure you didn't on the settings globally or something? This is a clean installation of the beta on Windows 7. The developer tools report that the page is defaulting to IE9 Standard Mode.

Yi Jiang
I had more than 1 report of this error. Though maybe it has to do with the base dir ( ) that it renders all sub-dirs in compatibility mode as well. But then I have the question, what in the root of the website makes IE render the website in compatibility mode? So maybe at least this guide is coded right. I hope so then.
Rene Geuze
@Rene Strange, I just reproduced it, by clicking on the Guide link from the homepage. But this only happened once, and after a few attempts I have yet to reproduce this, just that once only
Yi Jiang
+4  A: 

Works in IE9 documentMode for me.

Without a X-UA-Compatible header/meta to set an explicit documentMode, you'll get a mode based on:

  • whether the user has clicked the ‘compatibility view’ button in that domain before;
  • perhaps also whether this has happened automatically due to some other content on the site causing IE8/9's renderer to crash and fall back to the old renderer;
  • whether the user has opted to put all sites in compatibility view by default;
  • whether IE thinks the site is on your intranet and so defaults to compatibility view;
  • whether the site in question is in Microsoft's own list of websites that require compatibility view.

You can change these settings from ‘Tools -> Compatibility view settings’ from the IE menu. Of course that menu is now sneakily hidden, so you won't see it until you press Alt.

As a site author, if you're confident that your site complies to standards (renders well in other browsers, and uses feature-sniffing to decide what browser workarounds to use), I suggest using:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"/>

or the HTTP header:

X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge

to get the latest renderer whatever IE version is in use.

Does anyone else here remember the days of rabbit ear antennas for TVs where you had to hold one arm up in the air and wiggle your foot to get a good picture? That's what I feel it's like getting a good "picture" on IE.

I went with the solution of adding the X-UA-Compatible header/meta tag with ID=edge. It's still unclear to me why several users, including me, went into compatibility mode. Seems quite random going off the responses here.

It's not my favourite option but it's done now. I already updated the website with it. Also a great tip of pressing alt to get to the tools menu.(I'm usually not an IE user so some things are a mystery to me)

Thanks all!

Rene Geuze
Compatibility mode is a bit of a mystery. It wouldn’t be IE if we didn’t have to shove in some bit of odd code to make it work, would it?
Paul D. Waite