Newbies will have trouble with equality methods:
- a == b : checks whether a and b are equal. This is the most useful.
- a.eql? b : also checks whether a and b are equal, but it is sometimes more strict (it might check that a and b have the same type, for example). It is mainly used in Hashes.
- a.equal? b : checks whether a and b are the same object (identity check).
- a === b : used in case statements (I read it as "a matches b").
These examples should clarify the first 3 methods:
a = b = "joe"
a==b # true
a.eql? b # true
a.equal? b # true (a.object_id == b.object_id)
a = "joe"
b = "joe"
a==b # true
a.eql? b # true
a.equal? b # false (a.object_id != b.object_id)
a = 1
b = 1.0
a==b # true
a.eql? b # false (a.class != b.class)
a.equal? b # false
Note that ==, eql? and equal? should always be symmetrical : if a==b then b==a.
Also note that == and eql? are both implemented in class Object as aliases to equal?, so if you create a new class and want == and eql? to mean something else than plain identity, then you need to override them both. For example:
class Person
attr_reader name
def == (rhs) == # compare person by their name
def eql? (rhs)
self == rhs
# never override the equal? method!
The === method behaves differently. First of all it is not symmetrical (a===b does not imply that b===a). As I said, you can read a===b as "a matches b". Here are a few examples:
# === is usually simply an alias for ==
"joe" === "joe" # true
"joe" === "bob" # false
# but ranges match any value they include
(1..10) === 5 # true
(1..10) === 19 # false
(1..10) === (1..10) # false (the range does not include itself)
# arrays just match equal arrays, but they do not match included values!
[1,2,3] === [1,2,3] # true
[1,2,3] === 2 # false
# classes match their instances and instances of derived classes
String === "joe" # true
String === 1.5 # false (1.5 is not a String)
String === String # false (the String class is not itself a String)
The case statement is based on the === method:
case a
when "joe": puts "1"
when 1.0 : puts "2"
when (1..10), (15..20): puts "3"
else puts "4"
is equivalent to this:
if "joe" === a
puts "1"
elsif 1.0 === a
puts "2"
elsif (1..10) === a || (15..20) === a
puts "3"
puts "4"
If you define a new class whose instances represent some sort of container or range (if it has something like an include? or a match? method), then you might find it useful to override the === method like this:
class Subnet
def include? (ip_address_or_subnet)
def === (rhs)
self.include? rhs
case destination_ip
when white_listed_subnet: puts "the ip belongs to the white-listed subnet"
when black_listed_subnet: puts "the ip belongs to the black-listed subnet"