Hi Guys,
I wonder if anybody could provide me with any assistance to the following problem I am having with my JS project?
I basically have information about a product being pulled from out from 3 different JSP lists:
- A Product's Details
- A Products's Ratings
- A Products's Retailers
What I am trying to a do is loop through the JSP three lists, pulling out the relevant info for each of the products and then create a Javascript object which holds all the product information together.
Once created I then need to loop through this Javascript object and display each product's information on screen - there could be 10, 20, etc, products at a time.
The area I am having trouble with is that when I create my 'mainResults' object (see my code snippet below), although it is being populated correctly, I get a blank array first and then the product arrays after that.
Below is a screenshot from Firebug that shows the an extract from the 'mainResults' javascript object - it is the empty arrays show that are my issue:
This is causing me problems when I try to loop through the 'mainResults' using its length property as it is always reurned as '0'.
I am sure there is better way to achieving what I need to do but after a lot of searching and playing around with OOP I still can't find a good solution.
There are a couple of important things I need to add:
- I will never know exactly how many products there will be.
- The products have up to 3 ratings each.
- I will never know exactly how many retailers a products has.
- I need to access the product, its ratings and retailers by an index
I have posted the relevant parts of my code below - I really hope somebody can point me in the right direction :)
Many thanks in advance,
<body onLoad="populate()">
<jsp:useBean id="products" scope="request" class="com.sslpost.mpr.pricerunner.Products" />
<% if(request.getAttribute("products") != null)
products = (Products)request.getAttribute("products"); %>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function populate(){
<% if(products != null) { %>
//Access Products from JSP Product Class
<% for (int i=0; i<products.productsList.size(); i++) {
Product currProd = products.productsList.get(i);
//Check Product Id is Not Empty and Handle Accordingly
String prodId = "";
if(products.productsList.get(i).id != 0)
{ prodId = Integer.toString(products.productsList.get(i).id); }
else{ prodId = Integer.toString(0); }
//Check Product Name is Not Empty and Handle Accordingly
String prodName = "";
if(products.productsList.get(i).name != null)
prodName = products.productsList.get(i).name;
//Check Product Manufacturer is Not Empty and Handle Accordingly
String prodManufacturer = "";
if(products.productsList.get(i).manufacturer != null)
prodManufacturer = products.productsList.get(i).manufacturer;
//Check Product Description is Not Empty and Handle Accordingly
String prodDescription = "";
if(products.productsList.get(i).description != null)
prodDescription = products.productsList.get(i).description;
//Check Product Retailer is Not Empty and Handle Accordingly
String prodRetailer = "";
if(products.productsList.get(i).numberOfRetailers != 0)
{ prodRetailer = Integer.toString(products.productsList.get(i).numberOfRetailers); }
else{ prodRetailer = Integer.toString(0); }
//Check Product Logo + Height and Width Attributes are Not Empty and Handle Accordingly
String prodLogo = "";
if(products.productsList.get(i).imageUrl != null && products.productsList.get(i).imageUrl.imageUrl != null)
{ prodLogo = products.productsList.get(i).imageUrl.imageUrl; }
else{ prodLogo = "images/image_remove.png"; }
String prodLogoHeight = "";
if(products.productsList.get(i).imageUrl != null && products.productsList.get(i).imageUrl.height != 0)
{ prodLogoHeight = Integer.toString(products.productsList.get(i).imageUrl.height); }
else{ prodLogoHeight = Integer.toString(0); }
String prodLogoWidth = "";
if(products.productsList.get(i).imageUrl != null && products.productsList.get(i).imageUrl.width != 0)
{ prodLogoWidth = Integer.toString(products.productsList.get(i).imageUrl.width); }
else{ prodLogoWidth = Integer.toString(0); }
//Check Product Prices + Currency Attributes are Not Empty and Handle Accordingly
String lowPriceAmount = "";
if(products.productsList.get(i).lowestPrice != null && products.productsList.get(i).lowestPrice.amount != null)
lowPriceAmount = products.productsList.get(i).lowestPrice.amount;
String lowPriceCurrency = "";
if(products.productsList.get(i).lowestPrice != null && products.productsList.get(i).lowestPrice.currency != null)
lowPriceCurrency = products.productsList.get(i).lowestPrice.currency;
String highPriceAmount = "";
if(products.productsList.get(i).highestPrice != null && products.productsList.get(i).highestPrice.amount != null)
highPriceAmount = products.productsList.get(i).highestPrice.amount;
String highPriceCurrency = "";
if(products.productsList.get(i).highestPrice != null && products.productsList.get(i).highestPrice.currency != null)
highPriceCurrency = products.productsList.get(i).highestPrice.currency;
productResults(<%= i %>,
"<%= prodId %>",
"<%= prodName %>",
"<%= prodManufacturer %>",
"<%= prodDescription %>",
"<%= prodRetailer %>",
"<%= prodLogo %>",
"<%= prodLogoHeight %>",
"<%= prodLogoWidth %>",
"<%= lowPriceAmount %>",
"<%= lowPriceCurrency %>",
"<%= highPriceAmount %>",
"<%= highPriceCurrency %>"
//Access Ratings from Ratings List in JSP Product Class
<% for(int j=0; j<currProd.ratingList.size(); j++) {
//Check Product Rating Type is Not Empty and Handle Accordingly
String prodRatType = "";
if(currProd.ratingList.get(j).type != null)
{ prodRatType = currProd.ratingList.get(j).type; }
else{ prodRatType = "no rating"; }
//Check Product Rating Average Value is Not Empty and Handle Accordingly
String prodRatAvg = "";
if(currProd.ratingList.get(j).average != null)
{ prodRatAvg = currProd.ratingList.get(j).average; }
else{ prodRatAvg = Integer.toString(0); }
//Check Number of Product Ratings Value is Not Empty and Handle Accordingly
String prodRatNum = "";
if(currProd.ratingList.get(j).numberRatings != null)
{ prodRatNum = currProd.ratingList.get(j).numberRatings; }
else{ prodRatNum = Integer.toString(0); }
ratingResults(<%= j %>,
<%= i %>,
"<%= prodRatType %>",
"<%= prodRatAvg %>",
"<%= prodRatNum %>"
<% } %>
//Access Retailers from Retailer List in JSP Product Class
<% for(int x=0; x<currProd.retailerList.size(); x++) {
//Check Retiailer Logo is Not Empty and Handle Accordingly
String retailLogo = "";
if(currProd.retailerList.get(k).logo != null && currProd.retailerList.get(k).logo.imageUrl != null)
retailLogo = currProd.retailerList.get(k).logo.imageUrl;
//Check Retailer Product Prices + Currency Attributes are Not Empty and Handle Accordingly
String minShipPrice = "";
if(currProd.retailerList.get(k).minPriceWithShipping != null && currProd.retailerList.get(k).minPriceWithShipping.amount != null)
minShipPrice = currProd.retailerList.get(k).minPriceWithShipping.amount;
String minShipCurrency = "";
if(currProd.retailerList.get(k).minPriceWithShipping != null && currProd.retailerList.get(k).minPriceWithShipping.currency != null)
minShipCurrency = currProd.retailerList.get(k).minPriceWithShipping.currency;
String maxShipPrice = "";
if(currProd.retailerList.get(k).maxPriceWithShipping != null && currProd.retailerList.get(k).maxPriceWithShipping.amount != null)
maxShipPrice = currProd.retailerList.get(k).maxPriceWithShipping.amount;
String maxShipCurrency = "";
if(currProd.retailerList.get(k).maxPriceWithShipping != null && currProd.retailerList.get(k).maxPriceWithShipping.currency != null)
maxShipCurrency = currProd.retailerList.get(k).maxPriceWithShipping.currency;
retailerResults(<%= k %>
<%= i %>,
"<%= currProd.retailerList.get(k).id %>",
"<%= currProd.retailerList.get(k).name %>",
"<%= currProd.retailerList.get(k).link %>",
"<%= retailLogo %>",
"<%= currProd.retailerList.get(k).leadTime %>",
"<%= currProd.retailerList.get(k).stockInfo %>",
"<%= currProd.retailerList.get(k).price.amount %>",
"<%= currProd.retailerList.get(k).price.currency %>",
"<%= currProd.retailerList.get(k).sourceType %>",
"<%= currProd.retailerList.get(k).sourceDate %>",
"<%= minShipPrice %>",
"<%= minShipCurrency%>",
"<%= maxShipPrice %>",
"<%= maxShipCurrency %>"
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var mainResults = [];
function productResults(pnum, pid, pname, pmanu, pdesc, pretail, plogo, plogoh, plogow, plowamt, plowcur, phghamt, phghcur)
var product = [];
product.count = pnum;
product.id = pid;
product.name = pname;
product.manufacturer = pmanu;
product.description = pdesc;
product.numretailer = pretail;
product.logo = plogo;
product.logoh = plogoh;
product.logow = plogow;
product.lowpriceamt = plowamt;
product.lowpricecur = plowcur;
product.highpriceamt = phghamt;
product.highpricecur = phghcur;
product.ratings = [];
product.retailers = [];
mainResults[pnum] = product;
function ratingResults(ratnum, pnum, rtgtype, rtgavg, rtgnum)
var ratings = [];
ratings.count = ratnum;
ratings.type = rtgtype;
ratings.average = rtgavg;
ratings.number = rtgnum;
mainResults[pnum].ratings[ratnum] = ratings;
function retailerResults(retnum, pnum, rid, rname, rlink, rlogo, rtime, rstock, ramt, rcur, rstype, rsdate, rminamt, rmincur, rmaxamt, rmaxcur)
var retailers = [];
retailers.count = retnum;
retailers.id = rid;
retailers.name = rname;
retailers.purchaselink = rlink;
retailers.logo = rlogo;
retailers.leadtime = rtime;
retailers.stock = rstock;
retailers.priceamt = ramt;
retailers.pricecur = rcur;
retailers.sourcetype = rstype;
retailers.sourcedate = rsdate;
retailers.shipminprice = rminamt;
retailers.shipmincur = rmincur;
retailers.shipmaxprice = rmaxamt;
retailers.shipmaxcur = rmaxcur;
mainresults[pnum].retailers[retnum] = retailers;