Ok, this is not a CSS issue, I removed all styling from the page. This is a calendar extender that has a target id of a textbox and the popupbutton is the same text box.
The month name is displaying lower than the days, so it's not usable.
it's fine in IE.
I am using Safari in Windows Vista.
Does anyone know what is causing this?
Thank you.
I don't know why this was voted down, is there some information I'm missing? This isn't a duplicate question.
here is the c0dez:
<asp:TextBox ID="txtDate" CssClass="field" runat="server" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator2" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtDate" Text="*" />
<ajaxtoolkit:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender1" runat="server"
Format="MMMM d, yyyy"
PopupButtonID="txtDate" PopupPosition="BottomLeft" />