If you are trying to copy the values, and change the state of the values you need to create a deep copy, which relies on knowing how to create copies of the objects held in the Map
as values. Hopefuly this test illustrates what I mean.
public void testHashMap() throws Exception {
final Map<Integer, TestContainer<Double>> hashmap = new HashMap<Integer, TestContainer<Double>>();
final TestContainer<Double> t1 = new TestContainer<Double>(1d);
final TestContainer<Double> t2 = new TestContainer<Double>(2d);
hashmap.put(1, t1);
hashmap.put(2, t2);
// create a separate collection which can be modified
final Set<TestContainer<Double>> hashset = new HashSet<TestContainer<Double>>(hashmap.values());
assertEquals(2, hashmap.size());
assertEquals(2, hashset.size());
assertEquals(2, hashmap.size());
assertEquals(1, hashset.size());
// prove that we cannot modify the contents of the collection
hashset.iterator().next().o += 1;
assertEquals(2d, t1.o, 0d);
private static final class TestContainer<T> {
private T o;
private TestContainer(final T o) {
this.o = o;