




I'm stuggling to replicate a SQL query into LINQ. Can any one help?


 SELECT tblInvoice.lngID AS InvoiceID,
                tblInvoice.dtTimeStamp AS InvoiceDate,
                max(Project.ProjectID) AS ProjectID,
                max(Project.ProjectName) AS ProjectName,
                max(Project.Location) AS ProjectLocation
        FROM    tblInvoice INNER JOIN
                tblInvoiceLine ON tblInvoice.lngID = tblInvoiceLine.lngInvoiceID 
        WHERE   (tblInvoice.intStatus != 0)
        AND     (tblInvoice.lngPersonID = @PersonID)
        GROUP BY tblInvoice.lngID, tblInvoice.dtTimeStamp, strReference, fltTotalValue
        ORDER BY tblInvoice.lngID DESC

LINQ so far:

var invoices = from inv in db.TblInvoices
    join invLine in db.TblInvoiceLines on inv.LngID equals invLine.LngInvoiceID
    where inv.IntStatus != 0
    where inv.LngPersonID == personID
    group inv by  new {inv.LngID,inv.DtTimeStamp,inv.StrReference,inv.FltTotalValue} into newInv

Part of the problem is that I want to do a

select new Invoice(){

and build up my custom Invoice object but, I cant see any of the properties in newInv.

Can any one advise?

+1  A: 

I don't have time for a full answer now, but:

  • To get at properties of the key, use newInv.Key.StrReference etc
  • To get at aggregates (e.g. max values) use newInv.Max(x => x.ProjectId) etc

Hopefully that'll be enough to get you going. Basically, newInv will be a group of entries, with an associated key (which is what you grouped by).

Jon Skeet
Thanks for that Jon I had a bit of a brain freeze yesterday.
Of course the other option is to do a simple LINQ query then do a invoices.GroupBy(x => new { x.InvoiceID, x.InvoiceDate, x.Reference, x.TotalValue });