I want to render some HTML to use in an e-mail. I have a collection of objects that represent rows and columns, so I could be rendering the HTML in pure C# code using a StringBuilder.
But I prefer to have a ViewUserControl or just a ViewPage in a class library, that does the rendering. I want to be able to use the ViewUserControl and the rendering metho*strong text*d from outside an ASP.NET MVC app, e.g. a Windows Service.
How can I render a View from a class library?
I tried this, but the call to RenderPartial throws a NullReferenceException.
public void RenderViewToString()
string viewName = "EmailTest";
string viewData = "martin";
//Create memory writer
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var memWriter = new StringWriter(sb);
//Create fake http context to render the view
var fakeResponse = new HttpResponse(memWriter);
var fakeContext = new HttpContext(new HttpRequest("fake.html", "http://localhost/fake.html", ""), fakeResponse);
var fakeRouteData = new RouteData();
fakeRouteData.Values.Add("Controller", "Fake");
var fakeControllerContext = new ControllerContext(new HttpContextWrapper(fakeContext), fakeRouteData, new FakeController());
HttpContext.Current = fakeContext;
//Use HtmlHelper to render partial view to fake context
var html = new HtmlHelper(new ViewContext(fakeControllerContext, new FakeView(), new ViewDataDictionary(), new TempDataDictionary(), memWriter), new ViewPage());
html.RenderPartial(viewName, viewData);
//Flush memory and return output
var htmlString = sb.ToString();