I have a class that I am using all over the place in my code. It contains settings and other core functionality. Here's what I'm doing right now to use the class.
$settings = new Settings();
Then, when I need to the code in some random function in another class, I do something like this:
function abc() {
global $settings;
$variable = $settings->a;
I'm sick and tired of randomly calling global $settings all over the place to pull in that settings object. I don't want to use the $_GLOBALS array (I don't know why, I just don't want to).
I'm thinking I want to switch to have a static class variable called $settings inside of settings. The code would look like this:
Settings::$settings = new Settings();
Then, whenever I want to use it, I never have to worry about sucking it in via the global operator:
function abc() {
$variable = Settings::$settings->a;
Good idea or bad idea?