You can use environment variables (config vars on heroku) to store your API keys and not check them into source.
For a project that I am working on, I use a fork of twitter-auth, and changed it to read the client secret and key from env variables:
ENV['oauth_consumer_key'] || config['oauth_consumer_key'],
ENV['oauth_consumer_secret'] || config['oauth_consumer_secret'],
I then set up the keys in my .rvmrc
in the project directory for local use:
export oauth_consumer_key=xxxxxxxxxxxx
export oauth_consumer_secret=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
rvm ree@redactify
And finally set up the environment variables on heroku:
$ heroku config:add oauth_consumer_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ heroku config:add oauth_consumer_secret=xxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ heroku config
DATABASE_URL => postgres://.....
RACK_ENV => production
oauth_consumer_key => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
oauth_consumer_secret => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Then just make sure that your .rvmrc
is in the .gitignore
and then you can push to github without exposing any API keys.