I want to, in vbScript (Classic ASP), parse a string to a specified length without cutting words. The final string may be less than the specified length (to avoid cutting words), but should not exceed it..
Assuming you're break words on a space.
startIndex = 0
index = 1
do while len(inputString) - startIndex > desiredLength
tmp = mid(inputString, 0, desiredLength)
outputStrings[index] = left(tmp, instrrev(tmp, " ")-1)
startIndex = startIndex + len(outputStrings[index]) + 1
index = index + 1
Andrew Cooper
2010-09-17 04:05:18
@Caveatrob: Also assuming you break on spaces:
Option Explicit
Function TrimIt(sInput, iLength)
Dim aWords, iCounter, sOutput, sTmp
sOutput = sInput
If InStr(sInput, " ") > 0 Then
aWords = Split(sInput, " ")
For iCounter = 0 To UBound(aWords)
If Len(aWords(iCounter) & " ") + Len(sTmp) <= iLength Then
sTmp = sTmp & " " & aWords(iCounter)
Exit For
End If
sOutput = sTmp
End If
TrimIt = sOutput
End Function
Response.Write TrimIt("This works slightly better", 11)
2010-09-30 19:21:52