I have a delayed_job designed to send an email using a mailer.
Upon completion, I need to record that the email was sent -- I do this by saving the newly created ContactEmail.
Right now, the new ContactEmail records gets saved even if the delayed_job fails.
How do I correct that so that the new ContactEmail is only saved when the mailer is successfully sent?
Here is the snippet from the cron task which calls the delayed_job:
puts contact_email.subject
contact_email.date_sent = Date.today
contact_email.date_created = Date.today
contact_email.body = email.substituted_message(contact, contact.colleagues)
contact_email.status = "sent"
#Delayed::Job.enqueue OutboundMailer.deliver_campaign_email(contact,contact_email)
Delayed::Job.enqueue SomeMailJob.new(contact,contact_email)
contact_email.save #now save the record
Here is the some_mail_job.rb
class SomeMailJob < Struct.new(:contact, :contact_email)
def perform
And here is the outbound_mailer:
class OutboundMailer < Postage::Mailer
def campaign_email(contact,email)
subject email.subject
recipients contact.email
from '<[email protected]>'
sent_on Date.today
body :email => email