



I have started using perlbrew and installed perl-5.12.2.

I understand I need to re-install my CPAN modules, so I switched to my new perl version (perlbrew switch perl-5.12.2 and hash -r), verified the switch was successful (perl -v) then tried installing some module (File::Copy::Recursive using cpan. However, cpan says `File::Copy::Recursive is up to date (0.38).

When I start a perl script using this module, it shouts Can't locate File/Copy/ in @INC ... (showing many perl-5.12.2 locations). When I switch back to my 'normal' perl (perlbrew off) the script runs fine.

Any suggestions? Perhaps CPAN does not work well with perlbrew?

+6  A: 
Yup, this does the work. Thanks and +1 for the quick reply!
David B