



In Eclipse Jigloo plugin you can right click on JTable and choose "surrond with JScrollPane".

But in windowbuilder pro plugin I can't find a way to make JTable with JScrollPane

+1  A: 

Add scroll pane to you gui. Then drag and drop the table onto the scroll pane. During the drag over scroll pane window builder will highlight it's areas- make sure you drop onto central one.

Спасибо, я вставляю таблицу в тот центральный квадрат, но тогда ее просто становится не видно.. Видно только JScrollPane
It works! Thank you. So you need first create JTable model and after that drag it to scroll pane
Just drop it in there. The table has no dimensions unless it has a model. The model usually set dynamically in your application.Sorry for not responding in Russian - most users here wouldn't understand it :)

Alteratively the following also works nicely;

  1. Add a JTable
  2. Right click on the JTable in the tree view
  3. Select: Surround With > JScrollPane
Brian Oliver
This works in Jigloo, but in windowbuilder pro v8 I can't find any "Surround With" menu..
+1  A: 

Another option would be to use NetBeans to do some of your Swing layout.

I've had limited experience with WindowBuilder, but I use NetBeans for designing prototypes and find it much easier for creating UIs. The resulting code generated from NetBeans will also be viewable using WindowBuilder.
