I have this expression which is working as expected in Thinking Sphinx:
Customer.search :with => {:signer_id => 23}
but I need to write an expression with OR of some attributes, like signer_id is 23 or admin_level is 42, so I moved to extended match mode and wrote this:
Customer.search "@signer_id 23", :match_mode => :extended2
which according to my understanding of the Sphinx relevant documentation, it should be equivalent, but it doesn't match anything at all. Any ideas what am I doing wrong? How do I write an extended thinking sphinx expression?
Copied and pasted from the console:
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > Customer.search(:with => {:signer_id => 23}).count
=> 20
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > Customer.search "@signer_id 23", :match_mode => :extended2
=> []
ruby-1.8.7-p302 > Customer.search("@signer_id 23", :match_mode => :extended2).count
=> 0
Update: fixed the id (32 -> 23).