$variable = 'Afrikaans
Shqip - Albanian
Euskara - Basque';
How do I convert each new line to paragraph?
should become:
<p>Shqip - Albanian</p>
<p>Euskara - Basque</p>
$variable = 'Afrikaans
Shqip - Albanian
Euskara - Basque';
How do I convert each new line to paragraph?
should become:
<p>Shqip - Albanian</p>
<p>Euskara - Basque</p>
$array = explode("\n", $variable);
$newVariable = '<p>'.implode('</p><p>', $array).'</p>'
Try this:
$variable = str_replace("\n", "</p>\n<p>", '<p>'.$variable.'</p>');
The following should do the trick :
$variable = '<p>' . str_replace("\n", "</p><p>", $variable) . '</p>';
$variable = 'Afrikaans
Shqip - Albanian
Euskara - Basque';
$result = preg_replace("/\r\n/", "<p>$1</p>", $variable);
echo $result;
$variable = 'Afrikaans
Shqip - Albanian
Euskara - Basque';
$prep0 = str_replace(array("\r\n" , "\n\r") , "\n" , $variable);
$prep1 = str_replace("\r" , "\n" , $prep0);
$prep2 = preg_replace(array('/\n\s+/' , '/\s+\n/') , "\n" , trim($prep1));
$result = '<p>'.str_replace("\n", "</p>\n<p>", $prep2).'</p>';
echo $result;
<p>Shqip - Albanian</p>
<p>Euskara - Basque</p>
$prep0 and $prep1: Make sure each line ends with \n.
$prep2: Remove redundant whitespace. Keep linebreaks.
$result: Add p tags.
If you don't include $prep0, $prep1 and $prep2, $result will look like this:
<p>Shqip - Albanian
<p>Euskara - Basque</p>
Not very nice, I think.
Also, don't use preg_replace unless you have to. In most cases, str_replace is faster (at least according to my experience). See the comments below for more information.