I have a div which contains a PNG image, like this:
<div id="pop" class="pop_komm">
<img src="Graphics/komm.png">
I have a js code which is triggered on the "OnChange" event of a drop-list:
<select onchange="fadeIn('pop');" name="list" etc></select>
Here is the js code:
function setOpacity(eID, opacityLevel) {
var eStyle = document.getElementById(eID).style;
eStyle.opacity = opacityLevel / 100;
eStyle.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+opacityLevel+')';
function getElm(eID) {
return document.getElementById("pop");
function show(eID) {
function hide(eID) {
function fadeIn(eID) {
setOpacity(eID, 0); show(eID); var timer = 0;
for (var i=1; i<=100; i++) {
setTimeout("setOpacity('"+eID+"',"+i+")", timer * 2);
setTimeout("fadeOut('"+eID+"')", 5000);
function fadeOut(eID) {
var timer = 0;
for (var i=100; i>=1; i--) {
setTimeout("setOpacity('"+eID+"',"+i+")", timer * 2);
setTimeout("hide('"+eID+"')", 310);
The problem is that the opacity makes the PNG corners rough and black, and the transparency of the PNG is not working good at all. I have tried using a pngfix, which does help IF the PNG has no "fade" effect. But as soon as I apply this fade effect I get the same problem.
Somebody must have solved this before, so please give me advice on how to solve it.
I googled and found this, but I don't really know what he means.
If you need more input let me know...
Btw, this works in all major browsers but IE6, 7 and 8.