I have an mp3 player based on the School of Flash code. When I click "next song" I need it to go to the next song, unless it's the last song in the playlist in which case it needs to go back to song number 1 in the playlist.
The following code doesn't seem to do the trick, any ideas where I am going wrong?
var songlist:XMLList;
var currentIndex:Number = 0;
function nextSong(e:Event):void
if (currentIndex < (songlist.length() - 1))
currentIndex = 0;
var nextReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(songlist[1].url);
var nextTitle:Sound = new Sound(nextReq);
title_txt.text = songlist[1].title;
artist_txt.text = songlist[1].artist;
sc = nextTitle.play();
songPlaying = true;
currentSound = nextTitle;