I'm trying to get my Scala code to be a bit more idiomatic. Right now it just looks like Java code.
I'm trying to do a simple boolean regex matching function in Scala, since I cannot seem to find it in the standard library(?)
I don't think the result is particularly nice with the try-catch and all. Also, a precondition is that 'patt' has exactly one group, which I don't really use for anything. Any input?
def doesMatchRegEx(subj:String, patt:scala.util.matching.Regex) = {
val Match = patt
val Match(x) = subj
} catch {
// we didnt match and therefore got an error
case e:MatchError => false
scala> doesMatchRegEx("foo",".*(foo).*".r)
res36: Boolean = true
scala> doesMatchRegEx("bar",".*(foo).*".r)
res37: Boolean = false