+2  A: 

Yes, UTF-8 != Unicode.

UTF-8 is a specifc string encoding, as are ASCII and ISO 8859-1. Try this:

For any input string do a inputstring.decode('utf-8') (or whatever input encoding you get). For any output string do a outputstring.encode('utf-8')(or whatever output encoding you want). For any internal use, take unicode strings ('this is a normal string'.decode('utf-8') == u'this is a normal string')

'foo' is a string, u'foo' is a unicode string, which doesn't "have" an encoding (can't be decoded). SO anytime python want to change an encoding of a normal string, it first tries to "decode" it, the to "encode" it. And the default is "ascii", which fails more often than not :-)

Thanks a lot for the clarification.