I am confused on the following:
To use threads in a Java program, the simplest way is to extend Thread class and implement the runnable interface (or simply implement runnable).
To start the thread's execution. we must call the Thread's method start(), which in turn calls method run() of the thread. And so the thread starts.
The method start() (unless I am wrong) must be called exactly and only once for each thread. As a result, thread instances can not be reused unless somehow the run method itself runs in some-short of infinite loop that facilitates a custom implementation of the thread's reusage.
Now the javadoc
link text
Calls to execute will reuse previously constructed threads if available
I do not understand how this is implemented. I provide in the execute method of the executor method my custom thread e.g.
ExecutorService myCachedPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
myCachedPool.execute(new Runnable(){public void run(){
//do something time consuming
How can this custom thread I delegeate to the executor framework be reused?
Is Executor is allowed to call method start() more than 1 time, while we can not in our programs?
Am I misunderstanding something?
Thank you.